Cement mixers were loudly churning in the lot next door. At 6:00AM! Seriously? I know they often start working at 7:00 and had accepted that as my probable wake up time. They are really pushing the limit of acceptable work time with such loud and annoying noise at 6:00AM. Bleh.
I had to accept the fact that I was awake, so I went to get some coffee. Before I even got out of bed, I remembered my catch phrase… “It is what it is and, it’s all good.” So with coffee by my side, I sat to ponder my reaction to my rude awakening.
Sure, I was unhappy, well maybe disappointed is a better word, but I quickly realized it was not anything I had control over, nor was I in any danger. I made the decision to pleasantly go on with my day.
Could I have made other choices? Sure. I could have…
· Gone out in my jammies screaming and yelling at the construction workers
· Called the development office to complain
· Blasted the neighborhood with negative words on social media
· Continued to be angry about my rude awakening and allow it to ruin my entire day.
Do any of those options sound healthy or pleasant to you? I hope not. Why let a bad start ruin the whole day?
In this situation, I happen to be literally talking about being woken up. What about those instances when your rude awakening is an “a-ha moment” when you suddenly realize something? That is a different type of rude awakening, isn’t it? However, the choice is still the same. You can let it ruin your day/life or you can choose to deal with it, work through it, and pleasantly go on with your day/life.
I saw a Facebook post recently that I thought was very accurate, and fits today’s blog perfectly…
Was it a bad day?
Or was it a bad 5 minutes
That you milked all day?
How will you deal with your rude awakening? Yup, the choice is yours!