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Disagreements Happen

When working in a pre-school class the number of children can far exceed the number of adults. Obviously, the adults can’t have eyes on every child at all times. It’s more of a constant scanning, but kids seem to know when an adult is looking the other way.

One day, two girls got into a scuffle. When an adult went over to stop them, one of the girls started crying. When asked why she was crying, the child truly stated, “She hit me back!” Oh, MY! A brief discussion about using words instead of hitting each other ensued. But talk about the lesson of natural consequences! Chuckle. *Let me be clear here… no one was injured.*

What I find interesting though, is that these two girls could not be separated later in the day. They were best buds. Isn’t it cool that two friends could get so mad at each other and yet a short while later carry on as if nothing had come between them?

We know children learn by watching adults. Have you ever considered adults could learn by watching children?

How often do we hear about people who have been friends for years (or maybe family members) having an argument (just using their words, no hitting involved) and being so mad that they cut off all ties and never talk to them again? Admittedly, words can also be very hurtful, and they just can’t seem to get past the hurt to forgive. I bet we all know someone in that situation.

It’s sad to let a friendship or a family fall apart because of a disagreement.

*I’m not talking about an abusive relationship here, that’s a different situation all together, you need to make sure you and your children are safe.*

But, for a typical friend or family “spat” it’s just silly to lose that relationship.

Although, if it’s been a long-term troublesome friendship, you may want to ask yourself if this person is truly a “friend.” If they are a fake friend, or a fair-weather friend, it may be okay to let that go. If you have had a disagreement with a true friend, or family member, find a way to forgive and perhaps be best buds again.

If children can do it, adults can, too.

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