How did I ever have time for a job?
It is just amazing how many people/organizations need volunteers these days. I guess that hasn’t really changed over the years, I have just become more aware of it.
I left my j-o-b to grow my coaching business and work on my terms. NewDirection Life Coaching is continuing to grow (I am still accepting new clients if you would care to refer me out – grin). However, now that I do not GO to a job (ie: I’m at home more) I have been bombarded with requests for my time.
I suppose I should have seen it coming.
It tends to be the same people who volunteer for everything. Look around you. Who is on the PTA at your child’s school? Who’s running the concession stand at the ball game? How about teaching a kid’s Sunday school class? Anybody you know who volunteers with the veterans? Sits with senior citizens? Helps troubled teens? Is a member of a civic organization? Volunteers at the Red Cross? The homeless shelter? The animal shelter? I think you will notice a trend. It tends to be the same people who donate their time to various organizations.
I was very active even when I did work outside the house, but once I was home more, the requests just poured in. Have you ever noticed that a busy/active person is the one that will get asked to help? That is because people know they like to be involved in the community and have a better chance of getting a yes answer than someone who sits around being bored all day. Face it, we are creatures of habit. If we have gotten into the habit of sitting at home watching streaming shows, interacting on social media, spending all day gardening and doing yard work, or even housework, that is the routine we have become comfortable with.
I’m here to say there are organizations that need volunteers!
If you have some spare time in your day, if you wish there was something more going on in your life, if you are bored, dissatisfied, looking for something new – whatever it may be… there are organizations out there that need volunteers. It could even be a place you go often (church, school, non-profit, etc). I certainly could start listing organizations here, but I could never come close to providing a complete list. I’m sure a simple search on the internet would help you get some ideas of where you might be able to volunteer.
Check it out and volunteer. It feels nice to help others.