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Writer's picturePam Horton

Recognition Precedes Change

A while back, I had some skin cancer removed from my forehead. It was small on the surface and I am fine, but it left a pretty big hole. They stitched it up and told me, “Don’t bend over, exercise, or lift anything heavier than 10 pounds, for a week.” WHAT?

Have you ever realized how many times you bend over during the course of a day?

I happen to bend over a lot.

I noticed I bend over when I

· Pick up something I’ve dropped

· Pick up a ball (Love pickleball and golf)

· Need to get something out of a low drawer or cabinet

· When cleaning

· Praying

It’s been interesting to do most of these things while stooping/squatting. I usually do this after I have bent over and realized I am bending over. Then I readjust to follow doctor’s orders.

As I often do, I got to thinking about how this situation relates to life in general.

How often do you do things without even thinking about it? Have you stopped to consider that some of those things may not be in your best interest?

Some of the things you might be doing out of habit, without really realizing it, could be:

· Using foul language

· Making inappropriate gestures

· Making poor food choices

· Binge watching TV

· Getting stuck on social media

· Riding someone’s bumper

· Criticizing people for things you do yourself

· Biting your nails

· And the list could go on…

Think about it. Are you doing one of these things? Perhaps you have something else that you could add to the list.

The point is, we all, probably, do things that aren’t good for us to be doing without really realizing we are doing it.

Here is your wake-up call. Now that you have been made aware, you can work on changing things, for the better. If you'd like some help with that, feel free to contact me.

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