I heard on the radio, recently, that Thanksgiving is the most travelled holiday in the US. I think that’s because that’s when “the holidays” really start. Sure, the stores are putting out Christmas stuff, even before Halloween this year – it’s crazy, and many people skip right over Thanksgiving, but Thanksgiving “week” is important.
Trust me, I’m not saying that because of Black Friday. Ugh. I don’t participate in that craziness. Although, I have friends who wouldn’t miss the early lines and mad dash to the most desired items for anything in the world. They consider it a family tradition. I’m glad they enjoy it. This year “Black Friday” started the Monday before Thanksgiving! I even responded to a tweet by one store touting their Black Friday sale by saying, “Actually, it’s only just Monday.” It was one of my highest “liked” tweets, this month!
Let’s take a look at the days following Thanksgiving Day is followed by:
Black Friday
Small Business Saturday
Cyber Monday
Giving Tuesday
While most of these promote the buying of gifts, Giving Tuesday is about “giving to others.” I love that it is the last of the active days of Thanksgiving. It leaves us in the spirit of giving and allows us to continue thinking about giving to others as we come into the Advent season of Christmas.
Of course, the days after Christmas can also be hectic shopping days as many stores offer sales to maximize profits and reduce their stock before having to take their year-end inventory. I treasure the time between Giving Tuesday and December 26th. Less hustle, less bustle, and time to reflect on our many blessings.
I hope this reminds you to take some time for yourself and your family to think about something you can do for someone else. It doesn’t need to be elaborate or expensive. Sometimes time is the best gift you can give, because it truly comes from the heart.