In the last few days, I have seen people come together, as a group, to do something awesome or be a catalyst for change.
The Groups
Let’s start with the change effort first. Someone posted on their social media site wondering if other parents with children on a particular bus were concerned about the things their kids were telling them. A few responded that they were. The post originator then shared they had contacted the school about the situation and encouraged other parents to call with their concerns. The floodgates were opened and lots of parents contacted the school with their thoughts. Now the situation is being addressed. YES! Things happen when we come together in a group effort.
The other group that formed is the #SuccessfulBusinessWomenOfFuquay. This group started with an idea and exploded to over 200 members in five days! Women business owners in Fuquay Varina were obviously ecstatic to have such an opportunity targeted locally. People have already found new businesses to work with and networking opportunities are growing. There is even an event in the works for November and I am honored to have been asked to speak for a few minutes about time management. It’s my understand that any money made at this event will go to support the local community of Fuquay. How cool is that? A community giving back.
How you can be a change agent
With both of these scenarios, there was a person who started the ball rolling, a change agent, if you will. Much like the little girl on the playground in my blog two weeks ago, a single person stepped up to take the lead. This time, instead of shouting “Follow me!” they asked a question. “Is anyone else experiencing this issue?” “Is anyone interested in getting to know other businesswomen in town?” One simple question started an entire movement.
Find something you are passionate about and ask a question. See what happens. Not feeling like you are ready to spearhead a movement. Sometimes asking another person, even a stranger, “How are you doing today?” can be spearheading enough. You’d be surprised to hear how many times people will just open up and tell you their whole life story. The thing is, they needed to vent, and you cared enough to ask the question. If this happens to you, just listen. They simply want to feel heard or need to get things out of their head before they go bonkers.
What question will you ask?